Sunday, May 27, 2012

Stay Tuned

fit fridays : serious mass review

vintage fashion photography

langkawi holiday (places to stay and things to do)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Gone Wild

sorry i've been missing for awhile! I just got back from my holiday in Langkawi, and i'll update as soon as i can!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Fit Fridays: My Week

sorry i'm so late. I just got done with my exams and well, shit got cray. So like i said, i would post up my own routine and what i do during the week. After learning lots of stuff from many different people and places, i find that the routine i'm currently doing now suits me best. It took tons of trial and error but was well worth it. Like i said, no two bodies are the same and you need to find a routine that suits your own needs. Ask around on what different exercises do, what is the best way to compliment certain types of workouts, etc.

However, I feel like i borrowed most heavily from Dorian Yates. For those of you who do not know him, he's an English professional body builder and he is stacked as *&*^@. He's pretty old and wise now, and I stumbled upon his videos one day and use alot of his stuff.

alright so moving on to my week. Basically i try to work out every week day if possible and make up for the days i missed over the weekends. Meaning i should have 5 days a week of gym for the 5 different muscles i work on.

exercises are listed in chronological order :)

Monday (Chest):
i. Bench Press
ii. Incline Bench Press
iii. Dumbbell Chest Press + Dumbbell fly superset
iv. Incline Dumbbell Chest Press + Incline Dumbbell fly superset
v. Low Cable Crossovers

Tuesday (Back):
i. Pulldowns + pull-ups superset
ii. Close Grip Pulldown
iii. Seated Rows (Both the Wide Grip and Close Grip ones)
iv. Dumbbell Rows (Sometimes)
v. Deadlifts/ Roman Deadlifts

Wednesday (Legs):
-i barely do my legs nowadays because i don't have time to gym 5 days a week so i usually sacrifice my leg days. And when i do, my routine isn't well thought out and i don't think i should give any advice on this part because i lack the experience.

Thursday (Shoulders):
i. Military Press  (Both Front and Rear Shoulder, Using A Smith Machine)
ii. Dumbbell Press
iii. Upright Row
iv. Front and Side Lateral Raise
v. Shrug (alternate between barbell and dumbbell every week)

Friday (Arms, my favorite day of the week):
-I learnt from my gym partner that doing both the triceps and biceps in one session gives the best burn, and it really does. I also learned to alternate my workouts between my triceps and biceps.

i. High Pulley Straight Bar/Triangle Tricep Extension
ii. Barbell Bicep Curls (Using preacher)
iii. High Pulley Over Head Tricep Extension (using rope) + Dips superset
iv. Dumbbell bicep curls
v. High Pulley Straight Bar Reverse Tricep Extension + Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extension superset
vi. Dumbbell Hammer Curls
vii. Close Grip Barbell Chest Press
viii. Close Grip Low Pulley Bicep Curls (using that w bar)

So that's basically my entire week. This is my staple workout, something that I do every week if i have no urge to try something new or change anything. However there are times when i feel like i wanna bulk and increase my strength, which i will then change some workouts during my Chest, Back, and Shoulders day. I will post those up next week :)

now for the most important part, the sets. I learned my method of sets from Dorian Yates' videos. So I do 3 sets total, 1st set warm up (12reps), 2nd set heavy (12reps), 3rd set high weights (8-10 reps). However, i do a 4th set most of the time if i find i have the strength, just to really kill my muscle.

That's about it, I really hope i've helped you and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.  And if you're wondering, now i do not take any supplements other than during the 1st month of when i started working out when I used Gaspari Size On : Maximum Performance. Amazing product, very noticeable increase in strength. I also have JUST started taking ON : Serious Mass because i feel i am underweight and so far, into my 1st week and there are some SERIOUS results! i will post up about that next week :)


Friday, May 4, 2012

Fit Fridays : Regiments

If its one thing i learned from working out is that no two body types are the same! there are an infinite combination of workout routines that might or might not suit you and the best way to get a working one, is by trial and error.

i started out doing the usual, hitting high reps, trying to increase my weights, going as heavy as my balls could possible withstand. You know, the usual. I only focused on my arms and my chest, everyday it was either arm or chest. And after months and months of gymming, I was going no where. Till i met a good friend of mine who thought me the error of my ways and taught me ALOT of things. Here are some of the things i've learned:

Always workout the entire body! Never hope to build just your biceps or your triceps or your buttceps. NEVER. Almost every type of exercise out there uses more than the focus muscle and requires strength from many other muscles. So to really gain strength in your exercises, be balanced and work on the rest of your body as well!

 Supersets, will tear your shit up. A superset is a combination of 2 or more types of exercises in one 'Routine'. For example, 12reps of tricep pulldowns + 12reps of dips = 1 set of workout. I feel that supersets really help shape your muscles and give it definition as it increases your heart-rate and burns off fat much quicker than weight-oriented exercises.


want to bulk up and gain mass? here's your ticket. Studies have shown that 'Squatz' and 'Deadliftz' release the most amount of hormones into the body which facilitates muscle growth. Furthermore, these two exercises are also paramount to gaining strength. My bench-presses and bicep-curls increase dramatically after i started dead-lifting. Plus, without working on your lower back, you might encounter spinal issues at older ages due to wear-and-tear.

There are loads of other things that i have learnt over the course of my gymming experience. It may not be much but it has certainly helped me and i want nothing more than to share this knowledge. At the risk of making this post abit to lengthy i shall stop here and continue next Friday where i'll expand on this topic, as well as post up my personal routines! Lastly, these are strictly MY personal opinion and you have any input, or noticed that i have slipped my shit, please do let me now. Thank you

Stay Tuned